How to Manage Newsletter Subscriptions in Magento 2

How to Manage Newsletter Subscriptions in Magento 2

manage newsletter subscriptions in Magento 2 store will guide you:

Managing Newsletter Subscriptions in Magento 2:

  1. Manage Newsletter Subscriptions for a customer:

      1. Login to admin panel
      2. Navigate to Customers > All Customers
      3. Open the customer is edit mode. Customer in Edit Mode
    1. Click the Newsletter in the left panel
    2. Select or clear the Subscriber to Newsletter checkbox. Newsletter Subscription Checkbox
    3. Save the customer.
  2. Cancel a subscription from the Newsletter Subscribers list:

    Cancel a subscription from the Newsletter Subscribers list
    1. Navigate to Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Subscribers
    2. Select the customers with status “Subscribed” for whom the subscription is to be cancelled
    3. Set the Action control to Unsubscribe
    4. Click Submit
    The status is now changed to “Unsubscribed” Status changed to Unsubscribed
  3. Export the list of subscribers:

    Newsletter subscriber grid
  1. In the Newsletter Subscribers grid, use the filter controls to include only records with a Status of Subscribed and for the appropriate website, store, or store view
  2. You can export to either CSV or XML
  3. Save the file
That’s it for Magento 2 newsletter subscription. Any doubts about managing subscriptions in Magento 2 can be mentioned in the Comments section below and I’d help you right away. Also, do share the post with fellow Magento 2 store admins via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Install Magento 2 Data Migration Tool

install Magento 2 data migration tool. It is the official tool by Magento released to help merchants migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

Requirements to use Data Migration Tool:

You need to use the same released version of Magento 2 and the Data Migration Tool. For example, If you using Magento 2.3.5, you need to use the data migration tool of that version too. You can use one of the eight methods available to check Magento version.

Method to Install Magento 2 Data Migration Tool:

If you have downloaded the Magento using Composer metapackage, run the below command:

$ php <magento_root>/bin/magento –version If you cloned the Magento 2 Github repository, run these commands: $ cd <your Magento 2 clone directory> $ git branch Now, if you are in the “develop” branch, do not forget to change to a released branch before going ahead. Also, install Magento by now. Visit Releases of the Data Migration Tool GitHub repository to find available released versions.

Installing Magento 2 Migration Tool

  1. Install from

    1. Login to Magento servers or switch to Magento file system owner
    2. Change to Magento 2 root directory
    3. Run the below commands $ composer config repositories.magento composer $ composer require magento/data-migration-tool:<version>Here, <version> is the version of the Magento 2 codebase.
    4. Enter the authentication keys. Your username is the public key and password is the private key.
  2. Install from GitHub

    1. Login to Magento servers or switch to Magento file system owner
    2. Change to Magento 2 root directory
    3. Run the below commands $ composer config git $ composer require magento/data-migration-tool:<version>Here, <version> is the version of the Magento 2 codebase.

Check the version of the installed Magento Data Migration Tool:

  1. Change to your Data Migration Tool directory: <vendor>/magento/data-migration-tool.
  2. Open composer.json in a text editor.
  3. The version entry in that file is the version of the Data Migration Tool.
Any doubts about the method to install the Magento 2 migration tool? If so, feel free to mention them in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help. Also, do not forget to share Magento 2 data migration tool tutorial with the store merchants via social media. Thank you.]]>

Magento 2 Salable Quantity vs Quantity – Know the Difference

Magento 2 Salable Quantity vs Quantity – Know the Difference

difference between Magento 2 salable quantity and quantity. If you have downloaded the Magento 2.3.3 version and checked, you’ll see the product grid displays the salable quantity and quantity: Difference Between Magento 2 Salable Quantity and Quantity Let’s understand these two terms and their difference in Magento 2.

Difference Between Magento 2 Salable Quantity and Quantity:

Salable Quantity is the sum of available resources, grouped in stocks. Unlike in previous versions of Magento 2, the quantity of a product does not decrease when the customer places an order. Instead, the salable quantity gets reduced. While. the quantity of the product decrease only after shipping is completed. The salable quantity is updated when:
  • The physical quantity in warehouse changes
  • A new order is placed by the customer
Magento 2 MSI removes the limitation of relying on a single inventory system only. Now, the merchants can manage their inventory in more than one locations to accurately reflect their physical inventories without any 3rd party extensions! The salable quantity is stored in view. When a customer places an order, the salable quantity is reduced. Note that, the quantity is not decreased even when the order is placed. Now when the admin creates the shipment for the order from the backend, we can see that the quantity is reduced as well. Any doubts about salable quantity and quantity in Magento 2? If so, please mention them in the Comments section below. Also, do share the solution with the Magento community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Change Number of Lines in Street Address in Magento 2

How to Change Number of Lines in Street Address in Magento 2

change number of lines in street address in Magento 2. If you are a local business having a Magento 2 store, your business requirements may include allowing customers to enter a longer address. The address formats differ from country to country or even for different regions within the country. You may have shorter street addresses or longer. Hence, you can edit the number of lines in the street address in Magento 2 so that customers can easily enter their accurate address while creating a new account.

Steps to Change Number of Lines in Street Address in Magento 2:

Steps to Change Number of Lines in Street Address in Magento 2
  1. Login to admin panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration
  3. Under Customers, select Customer Configuration
  4. Expand the Name and Address Options
  5. Change the numerical value in the field “Number of Lines in Street Address
  6. Save the configuration
Changed Number of Lines in Street Address in Magento 2 frontend That’s it. Any doubts in managing the address options in Magento 2 can be mentioned in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help. Also, do share the tutorial with the Magento community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Configure Checkout Totals Sort Order in Magento 2

How to Configure Checkout Totals Sort Order in Magento 2

When a customer purchases products from an E-commerce store, being transparent regarding the pricing becomes extremely important. It can help in winning customers’ trust and loyalty. Magento 2 allows the admin to display the order summary that shows how the grand total is calculated taking into consideration the discounts and tax amounts. The order summary includes:

  • Subtotal
  • Discount
  • Shipping rate
  • Tax
  • Fixed product tax
  • Grand total
Following the easy-to-understand method of displaying “checkout total”, the customers can easily understand the pricing structure of their purchases. The admin can configure checkout total sort order in Magento 2 using the below method in such a way that the customers can easily follow the pricing pattern.

Method to Configure Checkout Total Sort Order in Magento 2:

  1. Login to Admin panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration
  3. Open Sales under Sales section
  4. Expand the Checkout Totals Sort Order section. Here, assign the sort order value to the fields like subtotal, discount, shipping rate, tax, fixed product tax, and grand total. The lower the value, the lower the order. Subtotal will be the first and Grand total will be the last in the Checkout Totals Sort Order. Method to Configure Checkout Total Sort Order in Magento 2
  5. Save the configuration
Check the order summary in frontend: Checkout Total Sort Order in Magento 2 Order Summary That’s it. Any doubts about the topic can be mentioned in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help. Also, do share the tutorial with Magento 2 store admins via social media. Thank you.]]>