How to Enable Magento 2 Telephone Validation in Customer Registration

How to Enable Magento 2 Telephone Validation in Customer Registration

enable Magento 2 telephone validation in customer registration as per the business requirements:

Steps to Enable Magento 2 Telephone Validation in Customer Registration:

Steps to Enable Magento 2 Telephone Validation in Customer Registration
  1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration
  3. Under Customer, select Customer Configuration
  4. Expand Name and Address Options
  5. Set “required” in the field “Show Telephone”
  6. Save the configuration
That’s it. Any doubts in the above method can be mentioned in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help. Also, do share the post with the Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Disable Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication

Magento 2.4 enables two-factor authentication by default. Earlier, Magento 2 did offer an option to install two-factor authentication. The store owner can enable or disable the Magento 2 2FA as per the requirements. However, if you have downloaded the latest Magento 2 version and installed it, you might have noticed that the two-factor authentication cannot be disabled. Though it is not recommended to disable 2FA in Magento 2 for security purpose, you may want to still do it for multiple reasons:

  • Testing environment
  • The store is in the development stage
There is no option to disable Magento 2 two factor authentication in Magento 2.4 and hence Mark Shust, a certified Magento developer from Cleveland, Ohio has developed a module to disable Magento 2 two factor authentication. His module adds the toggle to enable and disable 2FA from the Magento 2 admin panel. When you install this module, 2FA is enabled by default in order to prevent any side effects or security loopholes from being introduced during automated installation processes. To disable it, the admin has to navigate to Stores > Configuration. Under Security, selecting 2FA, expand General section and set “Enable 2FA” to No.

Method to disable Magento 2 two factor authentication:

Create config.xml Create di.xml Create module.xml Create system.xml Create BypassTwoFactorAuth.php Create registration.php: Create composer.json: That’s it. You can also enable or disable 2FA from the command line using the below command: Any doubts in the method to disable two-factor authentication in Magento 2.4 can be mentioned in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help. Also, do share the post with the Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Configure Multiple Shipping Addresses in Magento 2

How to Configure Multiple Shipping Addresses in Magento 2

configure multiple shipping addresses in Magento 2 with the method given below:

Steps Configure Multiple Shipping Addresses in Magento 2:

Steps Configure Multiple Shipping Addresses in Magento 2
  1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  3. Under Sales, select Multishipping Settings
  4. Expand Option section
  5. Set Allow Shipping to Multiple Addresses to Yes/No based your requirement
  6. In Maximum Qty Allowed for Shipping to Multiple Addresses, enter your required amount
  7. Click Save Config
That’s it. Now you can see that there is an option to checkout with multiple addresses on the cart page in the frontend: Frontend - Multiple Shipping Addresses in Magento 2 If you have queries, feel free to ask in the Comments section below. I would like to solve them for you. Also, don’t forget to share this post with the Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Add Company Column in Abandoned Carts Report in Magento 2

How to Add Company Column in Abandoned Carts Report in Magento 2

Magento 2 offers an abandoned carts report that lists all registered customers who have abandoned carts which is yet to be expired. The abandoned carts report grid lists the below details:

  • Customer Name
  • Email Address
  • Number of products in the cart
  • Cart Subtotal
  • Applied Coupon
  • Date created
  • Date of the last update
  • IP address
These details can help the store owner track the reason for the cart abandonment and strive for customer retention. Cart abandonment can cost the business all the efforts, time, and money put to bring the valuable traffic to the site. In March 2020, 88.05% of online shopping orders were abandoned – Statista To reduce this number, the store owners employ various tactics using the customer data that is collected by configuring customer accounts in Magento 2 store. It may happen, depending on the nature of the business, that some useful customer data is not included in the abandoned carts report in Magento 2 default grid. For example, the customer’s company name that is collected during registration can be helpful to decide their purchase power and including it in the abandoned carts report can make the task easier. To add company column in abandoned carts report in Magento 2 can be easy with the method given in this post. However, do not forget to first enable company name in customer account in Magento 2 from the admin panel. The default Abandoned carts report in Magento 2 looks something like this: Default Magento 2 Abandoned carts report

Stepwise method to add company column in abandoned carts report in Magento 2:

  1. Create registration.php file at app\code\Vendor\Module directory
  2. Create module.xml file at app\code\Vendor\Module\etc directory
  3. Create di.xml file at app\code\Vendor\Module\etc\adminhtml directory
  4. Create Grid.php at app\code\Vendor\Module\Block\Adminhtml\Shopcart\Abandoned directory
  5. Create Company.php at app\code\Vendor\Module\Block\Adminhtml\Grid\Column\Renderer and add below code
That’s it. Now, if you’ll check, the abandoned carts report in Magento 2 will have the company column added: add company column in abandoned carts report in Magento 2 Any doubts about the solution can be mentioned in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help you out. Also, do share the solution with the Magento community via social media. Thanks.]]>

How to Add Date of Birth in Registration Form in Magento 2

How to Add Date of Birth in Registration Form in Magento 2

    • Identify customers’ age group
    • Gather customers’ details for marketing strategy
    • Target customers based on the products appropriate for their age.
  • Knowing the age of customers helps merchants to launch marketing campaign age group wise. It is also extremely beneficial to recognize the psychographic purchasing behaviour of customers based on age groups. For instance, E-commerce store owners come to know.
    • What products are being purchased by the people whose age is between 18 and 24?
    • What is the Average Order Value of customers whose age is between 25 and 30?
    Magento 2 allows merchants to enable or disable the “Show Date of Birth” option in a customer account. Additionally, if your store has an age restriction policy, using the method to add date of birth in registration form in Magento 2, you can set validations for the same!

    Steps to Add Date of Birth in Registration Form in Magento 2:

    How to Add Date of Birth in Registration Form in Magento 2
    1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
    2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Customers
    3. Under Customer, select Customer Configuration
    4. Expand Name and Address Options
    5. Set Required in the field “Show Date of Birth”
    6. Save the configuration
    That’s it. Now, the “Date of Birth” is displayed in the registration form: Date of Birth in Registration Form in Magento 2 If you have queries, feel free to ask in the Comment section below. I would like to solve your problem. Also, do share this post with Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>

    How to Enable Middle Name in Registration Form in Magento 2

    How to Enable Middle Name in Registration Form in Magento 2

    Magento 2 also allows to edit the customer accounts fields as required. The admin can configure customer registration page from the backend admin panel. One such field, middle name, in the registration page can be enabled or disabled and the post shows the stepwise method for the same. In Magento 2, the “Show Middle Name” field is an optional field. The middle name shows honour to a family person or a parent or a completely unrelated person. Many customers may have no problem in entering their middle-name in the customer details form. Some of them may write just the first character in the middle-name and some of them may write the first name of their parent as a middle-name. For instance, John A. Smith or John Adam Smith. Enable middle name in the registration form in Magento 2 with the below steps:

    Steps to Enable Middle Name in Registration Form in Magento 2:

    How to Enable Middle Name in Registration Form in Magento 2
    1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
    2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Customers
    3. Under Customer, select Customer Configuration
    4. Expand Name and Address Options
    5. Set Required in the field “Show Middle Name”
    6. Save the configuration
    Now, the registration form displays the middle name field: Middle Name in Registration Form in Magento 2 That’s it.
    If you have queries, feel free to ask in the Comment section below. I would like to solve your problem. Also, do share this post with Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>