How to Configure Shipment Comments in Magento 2

How to Configure Shipment Comments in Magento 2

The default Magento 2 allows the merchants to send shipment comments in the Email.

In E-commerce, product delivery is managed by the delivery partner most of the time. Therefore, if there is any kind of change in shipment, it is necessary to inform. If the Magento 2 store has partnered with local stores and the products are being delivered by local stores, the Magento 2 store owner needs to inform the local store if there is any change in shipment. Shipment comments are also useful for sending order tracking information such as order ID. Magento 2 also allows sending the shipment comments in the shipment email as well as display it in the frontend under “My Accounts” section. The admin can do so by enabling the below-shown checkboxes from the backend: Shipment Comments The shipment comment in frontend: How to Configure Shipment Comments in Magento 2 1 Follow these easy steps to configure shipment comments in Magento 2.

Steps to Configure Shipment Comments in Magento 2:

Steps to Configure Shipment Comments in Magento 2
  1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  3. Under Sales, select Sales Email
  4. Expand Shipment Comments section
    1. The default option is set as Enabled that explains the shipment comment email will be sent to customers when the customer orders a product.
    2. In Shipment Comment Email Sender, select the person from whom the shipment comment email will be sent. The default Magento 2 offers five email addresses.
    3. In Shipment Comment Email Template, select the template based on your requirement or select the default option.
    4. In Shipment Comment Email Template for Guests, choose the template for customers who have not created an account in your store.
    5. In Shipment Comment Email Copy To, enter the multiple email addresses to whom you want to send Shipment comment email copy. Separate email addresses with a comma.
    6. Send Shipment Comment Email Copy Method, select bcc(blind carbon copy) or separate email copy method based on your requirement.
  1. Click Save Config
That’s it. If you have questions regarding this solution, please mention them in the Comments section below. I would like to solve your queries. Also, do share this post with Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Configure Layered Navigation in Magento 2

How to Configure Layered Navigation in Magento 2

configure layered navigation in Magento 2. to improve the navigation facility, help customers find the best-fit product with the user-friendly filter and lower the bounce rate!

Steps to Configure Layered Navigation in Magento 2:

Steps to Configure Layered Navigation in Magento 2
  1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
  2. Go to Stores > Configuration
  3. Select Catalog under Catalog
  4. Expand the Layered Navigation section
    1. Display Product Count  – Set “yes” to display the number of products found for each attribute
    2. Set Price Navigation Step Calculation to one of the below option:
      1. Automatic (equalize price ranges)
      2. Automatic (equalize product counts)
      3. Manual
  5. Save configuration
That’s it. The frontend category page displays layered navigation in Magento 2 store: Magento 2 Layered navigation Frontend Any doubts about Magento 2 layered navigation can be mentioned in the Comments section below. I’d be happy to help. Also, please share the tutorial with the Magento 2 community via social media. Thank you.]]>

How to Create User Role in Magento 2

How to Create User Role in Magento 2

create a user role in Magento 2 with suitable permissions. Doing so, when that user logs in to the admin panel, he/she can only access the allowed sections of the admin panel. The security of the store administration can be improved with this method. No users with ill intention can mess with the Magento 2 store functioning and management. Also, if you are a large business where various departments are managed by different employees so that the tasks remain organized, the below solution can be helpful. For example, someone who is managing the refunds of the Magento 2 store can be given access to the credit memo section. Or the one who is managing the stock needs to bother about inventory only!

Steps to Create User Role in Magento 2:

  1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel
  2. Go to System > Permissions > User Role Create User Role in Magento 2
  3. Click the “Add New Role” buttonCreate User Role in Magento 2
  4. Select Role Info under role information
  5. Enter the descriptive role name
  6. Enter your password under Current User Identity Verification Create User Role in Magento 2
  7. Go to Role Resources under Role Information
  8. Set resource access to custom
  9. Select the resource checkbox that the user role can access. For example, if only the “credit memo” resource is selected, the user role can access only the credit memo section from the admin backend.
  10. Click “Save Role“.
That’s it. Any doubts about Magento 2 user roles? Feel free to mention them in the Comments section below. I’d be glad to help you out. Please share the solution with Magento 2 community via social media. Thank you.]]>

Solved: customer-data.js:86 Uncaught Error: [object Object] in Magento 2

Many times, it is being observed, the error occurs due to disabling a module in the wrong way, for example, payment module.

When this error occurs, the customer details are not displayed in the frontend, or the mini cart is not updated correctly.

To avoid such disruptions, check the below solution for customer-data.js:86 Uncaught Error: [object Object] in Magento 2.

Solution for customer-data.js:86 Uncaught Error: [object Object] in Magento 2:

You just need to add a console.log to the given path.

pub/static/version…/frontend/[theme package/language_code/Magento_Customer/js/customer-data.js to show the jqXHR error:

Add this code:

That’s it.

If you have a question regarding this error and its solution, feel free to ask in the Comment section below.

I would be happy to help you.

Do share the solution with Magento 2 developers via social media.

Thank you.


How to Configure Braintree Payment Method in Magento 2

How to Configure Braintree Payment Method in Magento 2

Braintree is a subsidiary company of the world’s biggest payment service provider, Paypal.

Braintree serves its services across 45 countries. It also supports 130 currencies. The payment gateway is designed to provide a seamless shopping experience by offering quick payment services.

Also, it is the best choice for E-commerce stores as it allows accepting payments from Paypal, credit and debit card and popular wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Steps to Configure Braintree Payment Gateway Method in Magento 2:

1. Create an account

Visit the official website of Braintree and sign up.

2. Configure Basic Settings:

  1. Login to Magento 2 store.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  3. Expand Sales and choose Payment Methods If you have multiple sites running on Magento, in the upper-left corner, select Store View where you can configure. To set the location of your business, by selecting Merchant Country.
  4. You will see Recommendation Solutions, in the Braintree section, click on Configure How to Configure Braintree Payment Method in Magento 2 1Configuring Braintree: Basic braintree settings
    1. Enter the Title to identify Braintree as a payment method during checkout
    2. Select the Environment that you want to use for Braintree transactions.
      1. Sandbox – For testing purpose
      2. Production – To allow customers to use the Braintree payment method.
    3. Set Payment Actions:
      1. Authorise only: Approves the purchase and puts a hold on the funds.
      2. Authorise and Capture: Approves the purchase and immediately withdrawn from the customer’s account.
    4. Enter Merchant ID from your Braintree account. merchant ID
      1. Login your Braintree account.
      2. Click on the Settings Icon at the right-top of the webpage.
      3. You will see a dropdown menu. Select Business option.
      4. Here is a merchant ID.
    5. Enter Public Key from your Braintree account. API Keys
      1. Click on the Settings Icon at the right-top of the webpage.
      2. You will see a dropdown menu. Select API option.
      3. Here is a Public Key.
    6. Enter Private Key from your Braintree account.Braintree Private Key
      1. . Click on the Settings Icon at the right-top of the webpage.
      2. You will see a dropdown menu. Select API option.
      3. Click on View Private Key under the section API Keys
      4. Here is a Private Key.
    7. Set Enable this Solution to Yes.
    8. If you wish to enable Paypal as a payment option with Braintree, you can set to Yes.
    9. If you want to store the customer information securely, therefore, the customers will not have to rewrite payment information, set Vault Enabled to Yes.

3. Configure the Advanced Settings:

Advanced Braintree settings
  1. Expand the Advanced Settings section

  2. Write down the Vault Title that indicates where the customer card information is stored.

  3. Enter your Merchant ID from your Braintree account.

  4. Set Advanced Fraud Protection to Yes, if you want to use Braintree fraud protection for all the transactions. You need to enable Advanced Fraud Protection in the Settings/Protection section.

  1. Set Debug to Yes, if you want the system to save a log file of interaction between the store and Braintree.

  2. Set CVV Verification to Yes, the customers need to add a three-digital number before making a payment. Before setting this option to Yes, make sure you enable AVS and/or CVV in the Settings/Processing section of your Braintree account.

  1. Select Credit Card Types based on your business requirement.

  2. In Sort Order, enter the number to determine the in which Braintree appears when listed with other payment methods during checkout.

4. Configure the Country Specific Settings: Country Specific Settings

  1. In Payment from Applicable Countries, select All Allowed Countries or Specific Countries based on your business requirement.

  2. Set Country Specific Credit Card Types, select the country and a type of credit card and click on add. Repeat the process for each country.

5. Paypal Settings via Braintree Paypal Settings via Braintree

  1. Follow these steps to identify your Paypal via Braintree configuration:
    1. Enter the Title to identify Braintree’s payment by Paypal option during checkout.

    2. Enter a descriptive Vault Title to identify where your customer card information is to be stored.

    3. In Sort Order, enter the number to determine the in which Braintree’s Paypal option appears when listed with other payment methods during checkout.

    4. If you want to use a Merchant name other than the default once, enter the merchant name in Override Merchant Name.

  2. Set Payment Action based on your requirement.

    1. Authorise only: Approves the purchase and puts a hold on the funds.

    2. Authorise and Capture: Approves the purchase and immediately withdrawn from the customer’s account. payment action

  1. In Payment from Applicable Countries and Payment from Specific Countries, select the countries based on your business requirement.

  2. Set Require Customer’s Billing Address to yes, to require that customers provide a billing address. payment action

  1. If you want customers to allow edit shipping address entered during checkout, set Yes to Allow to Edit Shipping Address Entered During Checkout on PayPal Side.

  2. Set Debug to Yes, if you want the system to save a log file of interaction between the store and Paypal.

  3. Set Display on Shipping Cart to Yes, if you want to display a Paypal button in both the mini shopping cart and shopping page.

  4. Set Display on Shipping Cart to Yes, if you want to display a Paypal button in both the mini shopping cart and shopping page.

  5. Set Skip Order Review to Yes, if you want to bypass Order Review Step before the order is submitted.

6. Configure the 3D Verification Settings 3D Secure Verification Settings

  1. Set 3D Verification to Yes, if you want to add a verification step credit cardholder customers that are enrolled in a verification program such as “Verified by VISA”.

    The transaction amount which is submitted for verification is checked against the amount that is sent for authorization during this process.

  2. The transaction amount which is submitted for verification is checked against the amount that is sent for authorization during this process.
  3. Select the countries for 3D verification from Verify for Applicable Countries.

7. Dynamic Descriptors

Dynamic descriptors are sent on a per transaction basis and it explains what will appear on your customers’ credit card statement for a specific purchase. These are not enabled by default.

  1. All the descriptors given below are used to identify purchases on customer credit card statements. It is possible to reduce the number of chargebacks by clearly identifying the company that is associated with each purchase.

    Feel free to contact Braintree Support, if the Dynamic Descriptors are not enabled.
  1. Enter the Dynamic Descriptor for the Name, Phone, and URL as per these guidelines.

    1. There are mainly two parts of Name descriptors that are separated by an asterisk (*). For instance, Meetanshi*Magento

      The first part of the descriptors shows the company or DBA and the second part shows the product. Basically, the length of the Meetanshi and Magento parts of the descriptors can be allocated in given ways within twenty-four characters. Option 1: Meetanshi must be 3 characters, Magento may be up to 18 characters Option 2: Meetanshi must be 7 characters, Magento may be up to 14 characters Option 3: Meetanshi must be 12 characters, Magento may be up to 9 characters
    1. Phone descriptor must be given to ten to fourteen characters in length and only number, dashes, parentheses, and periods. For instance,

      1. 1111111111

      2. (111) 111-1111

      3. 111.111.1111

3. The URL descriptors show your domain name and it should not be up to thirteen characters long. For instance,

8. Save Config

When you complete configuration, click on Save Config. That’s it. You are good to go with the Braintree payment method integration with Magento 2. If you have questions regarding this tutorial, feel free to ask in the Comments section below. I would like to solve your problem. Appreciate our work by sharing this post on the Magento Community. Thank you.]]>

How to Configure Shipment Emails in Magento 2

How to Configure Shipment Emails in Magento 2

configure shipment emails in Magento 2. You can use two individual templates for the shipment email.

  1. Shipment email template for existing customers

  2. Shipment email template for guests

Steps to Configure Shipment Emails in Magento 2:

Configure Shipment Emails in Magento 2
  1. Login to Magento 2 admin panel

  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration

  3. Under Sales, select Sales Emails

  4. Expand Shipment section

    1. The default option is set as Enabled that explains the shipment email will be sent to customers when the product is shipped at a given address by a customer.

    2. In Shipment Email Sender, select the person from whom the shipment email will be sent. The default Magento 2 offers five email addresses.

    3. In Shipment Email Template, select the template based on your requirement or select the default option.

    4. In Shipment Email Template for Guests, choose the template for customers who have not created an account in your store.

    5. In Send Shipment Email Copy To, enter the multiple email addresses to whom you want to send shipment email copy. Separate email addresses with a comma.

    6. Send Shipment Email Copy Methodselect bcc(blind carbon copy) or separate email copy method based on your requirement.

    7. In Magento Shipping Cancellation Email Templates, select the template based on your requirement, or select the default option. The template will be used for existing customers to send shipment cancellation emails.

    8. In Magento Shipping Cancellation Email Templates for Guests, choose the template for customers who have not created an account in your store. The template will be used for guest customers to send shipment cancellation emails.

  5. Click Save Config

That’s it.

If you have queries, feel free to ask in the Comment section below.

I would like to solve your problem.

Don’t forget to share this post with Magento Community via social media.

Thank you.
