Elevating E-commerce Excellence: Magento 2 Customer Experience Optimization

Elevating E-commerce Excellence: Magento 2 Customer Experience Optimization


In the fiercely competitive world of e-commerce, a superior customer experience is the key to success. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is not just about having a visually appealing website; it involves understanding and addressing customer needs at every touchpoint. Magento 2, a leading e-commerce platform, provides a range of tools and features to optimize the customer experience. In this blog, we will explore how to harness the power of Magento 2 for unparalleled customer experience optimization.

1. User-Centric Design

The foundation of a great customer experience lies in a user-centric design. Magento 2 offers a variety of responsive and customizable themes that cater to different industries and target audiences. A visually appealing and intuitive interface helps customers navigate through your store seamlessly, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

2. Personalization and Recommendations

Leveraging customer data from various touchpoints, Magento 2 enables you to deliver personalized shopping experiences. By recommending products based on past purchases, browsing history, and customer preferences, you can boost cross-selling and upselling opportunities, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.

3. Streamlined Checkout Process

A lengthy and complicated checkout process can lead to cart abandonment. Magento 2 allows you to streamline the checkout process, enabling customers to complete their purchases quickly and easily. Implement features like guest checkout, one-page checkout, and multiple payment options to minimize friction and enhance the overall shopping experience.

4. Mobile Optimization

With the growing number of mobile shoppers, mobile optimization is no longer optional. Magento 2 offers responsive design capabilities, ensuring that your e-commerce store looks and performs flawlessly across all devices. Mobile-friendly navigation and touch-friendly interfaces make it easy for customers to browse and shop on their smartphones and tablets.

5. Fast and Reliable Page Load Times

In the digital age, customers have little patience for slow-loading websites. Magento 2 provides a range of performance optimization tools to enhance page load times, including full-page caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and image compression. Speedy page loads not only improve customer experience but also boost search engine rankings.

6. Effective Search and Navigation

A robust search functionality and intuitive navigation are crucial for helping customers find what they need quickly. Magento 2’s advanced search capabilities and category management allow you to organize products effectively and implement faceted search options, making it easier for customers to discover products that match their preferences.

7. Efficient Customer Support

A seamless customer support system is a vital component of customer experience optimization. Magento 2 integrates with various customer support tools, such as live chat and helpdesk solutions, enabling you to respond to customer inquiries promptly and effectively, fostering trust and loyalty.

8. Continuous Data Analysis and Optimization

Magento 2 offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and website usability. Regularly analyze customer data to identify pain points, optimize underperforming areas, and continuously refine the customer experience to meet evolving needs.


Magento 2 provides a robust platform for elevating your e-commerce store’s customer experience. By adopting a user-centric design, offering personalized recommendations, streamlining the checkout process, and optimizing for mobile users, you can create an exceptional shopping journey for your customers.

Fast page load times, effective search and navigation, and efficient customer support further enhance the overall experience. Regular data analysis and optimization ensure that your Magento 2 store evolves with your customers’ needs, establishing your brand as a customer-centric leader in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Embrace the power of Magento 2 for customer experience optimization, and watch your e-commerce business thrive by turning satisfied customers into loyal brand advocates.

Elevating E-commerce Excellence: Magento 2 Customer Experience Optimization

Add Custom Category Attribute Magento2 Extension Free


  1. How to Register Module in Magento 2
  2. Tell Magento Which Extesions to Be Included
  3. Register Attribute in our Core
  4. Add Code for showing Attribute to set value from Admin Dashboard  

After Registering Tell Magento to Load Our Extension

Not it’s time to Implement Logic, Here are we Registering our Attribute for Category which will be Boolean Formed.

Now we have to add Admin side option in Category options to set value of our Attribute.

Hurrayyyy… That’s all needed Now run Following commands according to your Installation.


Server-Side vs Client-Side Rendering And Changing SEO Practices

WHAT IS SSR? AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Since their invention, search engines have analyzed websites by reading the HTML generated by their servers. The term Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is fairly new, though. Until the last few years, we just called it “rendering,” since it was the only way Web pages were served. The Web has matured into a rich application platform. Everyone now expects Web pages to be as interactive and dynamic as any other graphical interface, and we achieved that by inventing ways to write HTML on the fly with JavaScript. Much of the modern Web is built with these more flexible client-side rendering (CSR) techniques. They have proved to be the best way to author reliable and scalable dynamic websites. Search engine crawler bots aren’t full-fledged Web browsers, though. They have to move rapidly through a vast web of content. For years, these bots didn’t run JavaScript and didn’t support CSR; if your site used CSR to display its content and functionality, the Googlebot just wouldn’t see it. Because this was the case for so long, SSR is well recognized as the content rendering method best suited for ensuring HTML content is readily available for modern search engine crawlers/bots. At this point, we’ll assume that knowledge of SSR is well understood from a strategy and execution perspective. It’s a basic feature of the Web platform CSR is beneficial to the end-user experience, but it raises a number of questions around ensuring consistent ranking and placement requirements within search engine results. Most major sites, and especially most eCommerce sites, have addressed this by rendering the “indexable” content of a Web page on the server and then switching to CSR to manage the page once it’s loaded. SSR is the great, time-tested solution here. We also know that – when not executed properly – SSR can make a site slower. Today, speed and performance are equally, if not more, important to ensure search engine ranking/placement. If a search engine could crawl CSR-generated websites, then it would be simplest and fastest to render the whole app with CSR, since you’re going to need it for the fancy parts. Right now, the largest search engines are starting to support CSR in their crawler bots, and eventually we will see many early adopters with very high result rankings, despite doing no SSR at all. However, businesses have come to rely on SEO and search engine marketing (SEM) as a critical factor for customer acquisition and generation of revenue. Anything that is counter to the strategies that have successfully worked over the past decade has the potential to have a significant impact on a business’ continued success. Asking merchants to make the leap to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Web storefronts that rely heavily on CSR versus SSR is a tall ask. With PWA Studio, we’re attempting to build for what we view as the future of the Web (where reliance on SSR is no longer a hard requirement) while still accommodating for the present merchant needs and concerns. So let’s dive into the weeds a bit and review some of the arguments for and against SSR with PWA Studio, as well as some of the current options/capabilities for meeting these requirements.


There’s really no simple answer here. There are arguments for and against SSR, especially in the context of PWAs and dynamic JS-based applications/storefronts. There is certainly no argument about the efficacy of SSR over the lifetime of the Web. It does, however, add additional overhead and cost to do it, so we need to be clear-eyed about how much SSR is still doing for us and whether it’s worth it. Given modern browsers and technologies, it’s justifiable to question the continued importance (and additional cost) of SSR – especially when it is increasingly evident that search engines are capable of indexing dynamic sites and continually improving their effectiveness. Common arguments for SSR typically boil down to: • We need to implement SSR because it has worked before and continues to work. We are not willing to risk our business objectives while developers wait around to see how the SSR/CSR story develops in the coming years. • Other big technology companies continue to invest in and have a reliance on SSR; it’s not just for SEO. • SSR is still needed to serve metadata for media objects since the SEM bots still aren’t running JavaScript. • As a partner or agency, not having a clear SEO strategy that relies on SSR is hindering our ability to build merchant confidence and improve adoption of PWAs. • There isn’t enough data/evidence that minimal (or even no) SSR actually works without having a significant impact on SEO. And arguments against SSR: • High-profile Web development leaders often discourage SSR because poor implementations can reduce performance and ranking. In PWAs especially, the UI should load as early as possible, even if it’s not fully loaded. SSR does a lot of up-front calculations which the CSR-driven client might not even use. • Risks of platform lock-in or code duplication. The premier experience of an eCommerce PWA is client-side, as a dynamic native-feeling JS app, but cross-platform SSR requires implementing that experience in two different places – the server and the client – and the logic can’t really be reused. The one solution to that is to use a server that can render HTML generated by the frontend UI code. The best server for this is NodeJS, since it can run the JavaScript UI code directly and generate HTML responses. But that does lock developers into a particular backend technology. • SSR increases TCO because of the additional tech requirements and the extra steps in development and continuous integration. It’s easier than it used to be, but it’s always extra work to write code that is going to run in two very different environments. • As search engines get better at indexing dynamic sites – and the major ones are great at it today – it becomes harder to justify the cost of SSR.


Does PWA Studio, today, support SSR? While there are a number of possible solutions and areas for enhancement, yes, PWA Studio does support and allow for SSR. If you’ve been a participant in our community #pwa Slack channel, then you know this has been a hot topic of late that we’ve spent a good amount of time covering in our weekly PWA Studio Community meetings. To summarize the current options for implementing SSR, today, with PWA Studio: • UPWARD provides a solution for simple SSR rendering of page data and metadata. This serves a simple use case that PWA advocates consider to be a best practice. For more complex requirements (rendering the full page React app), other solutions are available. • Prerender with a headless browser crawler. Jordan Eisenburger (Experius) recommends a Rendertron solution. It is noninvasive to the dev process, but first-time users may have difficulty setting it up. This tool is used on the Eleganza site and will go open source as SEOSnap. • Shane Osbourne (JH) recommends pre-endering the React app with something like ReactDOMServer because it is a well-known and supported approach. This approach is doable, capable, and fast, but it requires a NodeJS Web server in production, along with the other requirements of Magento 2. • Niklas Wolf (Mothership) recommends routing bots to a service such as Prerender.io to serve up prerendered HTML pages. This is similar to the prerender approach used by Experius, except it uses a SaaS prerenderer instead of a custom hosted one.


We’ve listened to and learned from our community, and we understand that our purposely minimal SSR solution doesn’t offer enough to confidently start new store deployments. SSR will be less important in the Web’s future; we remain certain. But we need to help you do more today. Our greatest hope is that PWA Studio will give you options for sane, simple SSR by opening up the server-side render rules as part of our new extensibility framework. We want an ecosystem of PWA extensions to grow, and they should include options for server-side render. Choice is good, and Magento isn’t Magento without powerful extensibility. However, we’re still committed to delivering improved tools and resources to simplify the developer experience and cost in this area. We continue to explore ways to improve the out-of-the-box SSR story for merchants and partners – whether it’s putting React SSR in the core, making Rendertron our preferred solution, enhancing UPWARD SSR abilities, or even retiring UPWARD entirely. We’re actively discussing and reviewing each option alongside our highly engaged community to make sure that, in the end, we deliver a viable and scalable solution that delivers best-in-class SEO for PWA Studio storefronts.]]>

Magento 2 Certifications Guide

Magento 2 Certifications Guide

What Is Magento 2 Certification Exam? Magento 2 certification exams are designed to help validate skills and knowledge after a specific time dealing with Magento 2.   By passing this exam, developers and experts not only prove their qualifications, get more opportunities in career but also grow the number of customers because these precious certificates play important roles in building more customer trust in works.

Kinds Of Magento 2 Certification Exams

  • Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist: indicates a thorough understanding of making advantages of Magento 2 functionality to benefit the business. Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialists are able to effectively align business objectives with Magento 2 functionality, optimize available features, and avoid customizing unnecessarily.
Unlike other exams particularly designed for developers, participants of this exam are not limited. Whether you are a merchant, manager, consultant, analyst, or developer, you are allowed to join and get the certificates.
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer indicates a thorough understanding of customizing the source code of Magento 2 along with practice. Developers will be evaluated about essential skills and knowledge to customize Magento 2 in terms of UI modifications, database changes, admin modifications, checkout process customizations, order management integrations and customizations, catalog structure, and functionality changes.
  • Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer is specially designed for beginner developers to validate their skills and knowledge in the variety of fundamental Magento 2 areas.
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer is the exam to evaluate the necessary skills and knowledge of developers in terms of Magento 2 theming components as well as user interface modification along with practice.
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional JavaScript Developer is the exam to validate the necessary skills and knowledge of developers to build new Magento 2 JavaScript extensions and customize the existing modules. You have to overcome Magento 2 Javascript certification questions to reach this professional level. Let’s take a look at the study guide to well prepare for these magento 2 javascript certification questions.
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional Cloud Developer: This exam tests your knowledge and skills required to test, troubleshoot, and operate Magento Commerce Cloud environments. You will also need to prove your ability to leverage Cloud features to enhance it’s operating and performance.
  • Magento 2 Certified Order Management Developer: The exam is scenario-based, and designed to validate the skills and understanding to successfully deploy Magento Order Management with the main focus is still on leveraging the Magento Commerce Connect. Also, the developer who takes the exam to get this certification needs to demonstrate their skills when working with all the integration data between Magento Order Management and third-party tools, such as ERPs, payment gateways and shipping providers using the Magento Order Management API, etc. Therefore, they have to have deep knowledge on Magento Commerce as well as API-based integration.
Let’s take a look at the following infographic to get more details about Magento 2 certification belonging to Magento U certification also:

How To Register Magento 2 Certification Exams

By navigating to the list of exams, you choose the wanted exam and complete checkout to purchase the exam voucher. Depending on each exam, Magento 2 certification costs are different, and often range from $195 to $295.   Then, you will get a voucher code via your email or you can obtain it in the My Product and Services section of the Account page.   On the detailed page of each certification exam, you click “Find a Testing Center and register for Exam” button and are redirected to the Webassessor page where you can Register for a new examination.   There are 2 options for you to choose how to take the exam: Onsite (take the exam at the certification center) or Online.   Select one option (Online, for example), then choose suitable dates and times (please be careful with timezones) and then enter the voucher code. A confirmation email will be sent to you along with more details as well as requirements.

Magento 2 Certification Study Guide

It is quite advantageous because Magento U does always provide developers and others with FREE study guides for each exam. You can easily find out these documents on each detailed information of Magento 2 certification exams.   By downloading useful study guides, you know what to learn, revise and practice to achieve good scores and qualify for decent certificates.   For example, a study guide for the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developers exam downloaded from Magento U certification system provides some following information:
  • Topics are included in the exam and revision questions related to each topic.
  • The percentage of topics are covered in the exam.
+ Magento Architecture & Customization Techniques (18%) + Request Flow Processing (12%) + Customizing the Magento UI (10%) + Working with Databases in Magento (7%) + Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model (8%) + Developing with Adminhtml (10%) + Customizing the Catalog (12%) + Customizing the Checkout Process (13%) + Sales Operations (5%) + Customer Management (5%)
  • Some sample questions of Magento 2 Certified Professional Developers exam ( Mageto 2 Javascript Certification Questions)
  • Answer key and more explanation

Magento Courses

Magento U certification system also suggests developers getting involved in some paid training courses to prepare for the exam. There are some specific courses designed for each Magento 2 certification exam as below:  
Certification Recommended Training
M2 Certified Associate Developer M2 Development Essentials (5-day Instructor-Led classroom) Perfect for those starting their developer career with Magento 2
M2 Certified Professional Developer M2 Certified Developer Study Group (10 weeks, 2 hours per week – Instructor-Led on-line) Ideal for those moving from M1 to M2M2 Development Essentials
M2 Certified Professional Front End Developer Core Principles for Theming in Magento 2 .Courseware to help you modify or customize your Magento websites
M2 Certified Professional JavaScript Developer JavaScript Development in M2 (4-day Instructor-Led classroom) Learn how to use your JavaScript knowledge with Magento
M2 Certified Solution Specialist Managing Your Magento 2 Store This great course is geared for Merchants/Marketers and Business Analysts!
Furthermore, you can absolutely experience more training courses launched by Magento, from the beginning level to the advanced one. There are paid courses and even some FREE ones for the purpose of providing additional useful knowledge for everyone. Checkout out these training courses HERE.

Magento Blogs

It is of course that Magento blogs are always beneficial for all developers over the world. Technical Magento blogs such as Inchoo, StackExchange, Stackoverflow are must-have resources to visit and find out useful knowledge. Furthermore, since the first certification exam was launched at the beginning of March 2018, there are a lot of developers, merchants, experts and so on achieving their own certificates until now. Therefore, a variety of blogs are created to give more instructions or pieces of advice on how to pass Magento 2 certification exams. Hence, searching for these blogs is quite easy and simple with some clicks on search engines. You can collect plenty of useful information, experience, and even some tips to overcome questions and get the final results.]]>

How to Add Custom Button in the Admin Product UI-Component Form in Magento 2

How to Add Custom Button in the Admin Product UI-Component Form in Magento 2

Method to add custom button in the admin product UI-component form in Magento 2:

Create a product_form.xml file at  app/code/Vendor/Extension/view/adminhtml/ui_component directory Next you have to create a CustomButton.php file in app/code/Vendor/Extension/Block/Adminhtml/Product/Edit/Button directory add-custom-button-in-the-admin-product-ui-component-form-in-magento-2That’s it. Any doubts in the above solution can be mentioned in the Comments section below. Also, do share the solution with the Magento Community via social media. Thank you.]]>

B2B Commerce Best Practices During COVID-19 — and Beyond

B2B commerce is undergoing incredible change due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. As a sector that very much relies on in-person interactions to seal the deal, business models are now shifting to prioritize digital engagement. Indeed, one key finding from a study by McKinsey was that B2B companies now see digital interactions as two to three times more important to their customers than traditional sales interactions. This swift move to digital requires additional shifts in strategy — no doubt. And that was the topic of conversation during a recent panel discussion where industry experts pointed to the significant transformation happening in B2B commerce and outlined strategies for success. The panel, which was sponsored by Adobe, left attendees with the following four key takeaways.


Buyers are looking for safe ways to buy — this much is obvious. B2B companies should be evaluating their eCommerce sites to ensure they are creating superior experiences for their buyers. They want convenient, quick-click ways to gather information, such as accurate inventory status. Shannon Hane, senior product marketing manager at Adobe and one of the panelists, shared an example. “I have a chemical manufacturer who is using real-time inventory reporting on their site to make their customers feel very confident that they have the product in stock,” she said. Fulfillment now requires new delivery options. Consider adding delivery automation, such as curbside pickup, buy online/pickup in store (BOPIS), touchless, and contact free services. “We have one customer who put in place geofencing so that they are automatically notified when that customer is coming into the parking lot so that they can be ready to go, and it is a smooth, fast service,” she said. “So there are folks that are really innovating around the touchless piece.” If you haven’t already, assess your site experience and add contact-free order fulfillment.


Make product information pages and site search work for you. Now is the time to be examining and revamping your product experience pages. Some buyers may not be able to order through a website because they are restricted — for example, certain healthcare buyers — but they are certainly using your site to research products and you want to impress them. And don’t overlook site search. “I wish more B2B companies would put site search at the focal point of everything that they are doing in 2020 because it is such a massive area,” explained panelist Justin Racine, senior commerce consultant at Perficient. “Site search is huge because if you ask yourself how many users am I losing on my website or in my commerce platform because my site search is crappy, can you answer that question? If you can’t, then that’s something you should take a look at.” Many B2B companies are putting an emphasis on optimizing search. Another panelist, Mike Powers, director of eCommerce and digital marketing at Alaska Rubber Group, provided a great example. “Within six months of going live … looking at the site search data, that actually allowed us to determine that our taxonomy needed to change,” he said. So even something as simple as changes to taxonomy can build a better experience.


You may know that you need to do a better job but are unsure how to prioritize and move forward. Well, this panel offered plenty of advice, much of it around organization and technology. First, you need to get your leadership aligned with your vision and build digital commerce expertise in your organization. For example, you may need to find an external partner to help build the eCommerce plan and also hire an evangelist who rallies the internal teams. Second, it’s time to assess your technology. But this evaluation should be done continuously, not just one time. A recommended best practice is to conduct customer input sessions: What do your customers think are important features that should be part of your platform? Get your sales team involved and part of this process, too. If you can get just a couple of salespeople embracing the platform changes, this will bring the entire sales team along and be a huge win for the internal team and your customers.


The experts had numerous tips to share, some tried-and-true and many emerging. Pay attention to best practices and emerging trends to help you create differentiation for your business. Here are a few notable ones: • Product previews: Product configurators and selection tools can help buyers get to purchase decisions quickly and confidently. Be sure to use customer ratings and reviews. B2B buyers want to know what their peer groups have to say. Videos and even augmented reality can be proxies for in-person product demos. • New business models: COVID-19 has upset traditional business models. You may be facing a whole new set of customers and new users. Be open to creating new models to capture this demand, which can include pivoting from B2B to direct-to-consumer (D2C) and adding marketplaces like Amazon. • Service: Now is the time to double-down on service. Online chat will be critical. Also, ensure you have touchpoints in place to help remind customers to order replacement products or parts. Email marketing can be a big help here. These are just a few of the insights from the panel discussion on what the fastest-growing B2B companies are doing to innovate. Panelists also shared a few of their personal best practices — use customers as beta testers and learn how they want to use your platform; experience your site as if you are your customers and remove any friction; and build a strong internal team to scale successfully. Above all, you need a superior digital shopping experience to drive growth and build long-lasting customer relationships. The fact is there’s a reason some B2B companies have been able to stay resilient throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and why some have not. There are real, concrete differences between the two groups. Discover the digital commerce secrets that are accelerating growth and setting B2B organizations up for success in a post-COVID world.]]>